Study for Characterization of flue gas from point source and abatement measures for Sulphur - dioxide at 1210MW and 1500MW units of M/s. Khaperkheda Thermal Power Station (KKTPS), Nagpur, (Year : 2018)
No information is available
Environmental Assessment Study Before and After the Proposed Urban Conservation and Tourism Development Project of Area around the World Heritage Site, Taj Mahal, Agra, (Year : 2018)
The research goal was to generate a design brief through a participatory process between the researchers and Taj Gunj residents, traders (and their associations), government agencies (U.P. Tourism, Agra Development Authority and ASI). The research methodology included holding workshops with the stakeholders to understand their aspirations and create a dialogue towards a sustainable plan. This research aims to understand the social, cultural and physical workings of Taj Ganj and to frame recommendations towards planning for an improved visitor experience that benefits local community and protects the living cultural heritage of Taj Ganj
Engineering Feasibility of Municipal Solid Waste Biogas Recovery and Appropriateness of its Use with CNG or LPG, (Year : 2013-2017)
No information is available
Development of bamboo diversity on degraded land for sustainability in Rural Areas using Eco-rejuvenation technology, (Year : 2017)
No information is available
Application of bacteriophage for treating multidrug resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (GAP-01-2066) , (Year : 2017)
"The main goal of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of phage therapy against one of the most common multidrug-resistant (MDR) agents of skin infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacteriophage therapy is an effective antimicrobial approach with potentially important applications in medicine and biotechnology which can be seen as an additional string in the bow. Emerging drug resistant bacteria in aquaculture industry due to unrestricted use of antibiotics warrants more sustainable and environmental friendly strategies for controlling fish infections.The isolated bacteria from fish lesions was characterised based on isolation on selective and differential medium like Pseudomonas agar, gram staining, biochemical tests and 16SrRNA sequencing. The metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) producing bacterial isolate was evaluated using Imipenem - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) disk method. The specific bacteriophage was isolated and concentrated using coal bed developed in our lab at CSIR-NEERI. The isolated and enriched bacteriophage was characterised by nucleotide sequencing and electron microscopy. The phage therapy was applied for treating ulcerative lesion in fish. RESULTS:The pathogenic bacterium responsible for causing ulcerative lesions in catfish species (Clarias gariepinus) was identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. One out of twenty P. aeruginosa isolate showing multi drug resistance (MDR) was incidentally found to be MBL producing as determined by Imipenem-EDTA disk method. The phage therapy effectively cured the ulcerative lesions of the infected fish in 8-10 days of treatment, with a sevenfold reduction of the lesion with untreated infection control. "
Development of low cost catalyst for 2 wheelers to meet Bharat Stage-III norms, (Year : 2012)
No information is available
Monitoring of PM2.5 and other notified air pollutants as per revised NAAQS 19-23 January 2015, (Year : 2017)
No information is available
Development of Materials for Conversion of Methane/Syngas to Methanol MS2M and Improved of Biomass Gas DST - BURD, (Year : 2017)
No information is available
Acoustic induced vibration studies over the monuments within a radius of 10 kms for proposed Godhna Thermal Power Station 2X800MW in Godhna, Salkhan and Kukda villages, Janjgir-Champa District (CG), (Year : 2016-2017)
No information is available
Studies for the Development of Environmentally Sound Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Processing Strategies with Reference to Existing MSW Processing Sites of Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC), (Year : 2016)
No information is available
Performance Evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant at International Paper - Andhra Pradesh Paper Mill, Rajahmundry, (Year : 2016)
Carried out the Assessment of the performance evaluation of existing Effluent Treatment Plant of IP-APPM at Rajahmundry. Effluent samples from various locations of ETP and Godavari River water samples were collected and analyzed for detailed physico-chemical parameters. Based on the pollution load and design specifications provided by IP-APPM, all the units of ETP found adequate to handle and treat the effluent generated to meet discharge standards. Based on the study report, recommendations were delineated to achieve the designed performance of ETP.
Biotechnological approach for capture of CO2 for generation of PUFA using algae, (Year : 2015)
No information is available
Development of Baseline Data with respect to Air, Water, Soil Quality as well as Noise upto Block level in four Districts of the State of Tripura., (Year : 2012-2018)
"Tripura, one of the North Eastern States situated in the North- Eastern Region of India lies approximately between latitude 22o 56' and 24o 32' N and longitude 9110' and 9221' E. The study was undertaken assess environmental quality status at block level in four districts of Tripura with baseline data generation in respect of ambient air, water, soil quality as well as noise by collection of samples for the various parameters. The details of work under individual components of environment were as follows: Air Environment: Collection of meteorological data like wind speed, wind direction, relative humility, rainfall, ambient temperature during ambient air quality survey period. Designing ambient air quality monitoring network. Assessment of prevailing ambient air quality status by measuring PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, NH3, CO, Ozone, Benzene, Benzo-α-Pyrene, Arsenic, Nickel and Lead as per CPCB regulations. Water Environment: Assessment of existing status of water quality with respect to physico-chemical, biological and bacteriological characteristics including surface and ground water resources from each block of the entire state. Land Environment: Studies on soil characteristics, land use, cropping patterns and vegetation in the study area. Collection and assessment of representative soil samples from each block of the Tripura state. Noise Environment: Establishing existing status of noise levels in residential, commercial, industrial areas and silence zones from each block of the state."
Development of materials for conversion of methane to methanol MS2M and improved combustion of biomass gass , (Year : 2017)
Development of adsorbents for enrichment of methane by selective removal of CO2. Development of catalysts for combustion of biomass gas. Development of supported catalysts and their evaluations on gasifier prototypes. Development of photocatalysts and biocatalysts for methane /syngas based methanol
- Photocatalytic conversion of methane to methanol
- Methane mono-oxygenase based enzymatic conversion of methane to methanol
- Hybrid system for solar light induced MMO based conversion of methane to methanol
- Development of catalysts for tri-reforming of methane and (photo induced) chemical looping reforming of methane, water and CO2 (only catalyst development by NEERI including Ni based hydrotalcites,bifunctional Ni/Ce-ZrO2 catalysts.
Preparation of Water Security Plan for Villages in Rajanandgaon district in Chhattisgarh state, (Year : 2015)
No information is available
EIA and Risk Assessment for Mallavaram - Bhopal - Bhilwara - Vijaipur Natural Gas Pipeline Project, (Year : 2017)
No information is available
National Clean Air Mission, (Year : 2018)
Assessment and Management of Air Pollution and Health problems in sources, pathways and receptors. Assessment of Indoor air pollution and Green house gases.
Quantification and Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste for Aizwal City , (Year : 2011-2012)
No information is available
Functional Metagenomics of Camel Rumen Microbiome For Novel Key Glycoside Hydrolases (Gh) to Benefit Animal Nutrition and Biofuels, (Year : 2017)
No information is available
Development of an emission inventory for the city of Chandrapur as part of a comprehensive city development plan, (Year : 2013)
No information is available